Thursday, November 13, 2008

Canned Food Drive

Beware! If you are missing some canned food from your cupboards in the next few days, it is probably because our annual canned food drive will be starting next week. The class that brings in the most canned food will receive 15.oo to spend as they wish.

The 5th grade leadership team is in charge of collecting the cans from classrooms each day and recording how many cans were brought in. Here is a member of the leadership team explaining to the class what goes on during the canned food drive.

This week we were able to give out the awards for exceptional attendance. The students who missed fewer than 3 days during the first quarter of school received an award. Look at how many students we had! That is really good attendance!

CG was our Star of the Week and she brought in her poster filled with wonderful pictures of herself and her family. The students asked her questions and I even learned a few new things about her!