I saved the flipcharts on a zip drive and then we tried them out on the Board. I loved how the students made flipcharts that challenged one another.
We have also been using another new flipchart during writing time that we are loving. All the students names start out on writing and then once I am done giving the directions, they begin their assignment. As they progress through the various writing steps they move their name across the board and once they are done conferencing with me one-on-one about their writing, they move their name to the bottom of the screen so that I know they are done. Then they practice their spelling words or begin a different writing assignment until I have conferenced with everyone that day. It is a lot of fun and I love how I can tell what everyone is working on with a glance at the board!
We recently started using the new math curriculum that was purchased for us and the students have been loving the visual learning manipulatives that come with it. Before each lesson, there is a CD that introduces the students to vocabulary words and then walks them through the new concept step-by-step all with pictures and sound. It's really neat!
Here is AL with one of his finished pieces of writing from this last week. It was about Groundhog's day.
We recently started using the new math curriculum that was purchased for us and the students have been loving the visual learning manipulatives that come with it. Before each lesson, there is a CD that introduces the students to vocabulary words and then walks them through the new concept step-by-step all with pictures and sound. It's really neat!